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  Jobs & Contacts

Rainbow Marine need the supervisor for Hull/Steel Structure Supervisor, Painting Supervisor, Machinery Supervisor and Electrician Supervisor from time to time for our project. So your interesting and C.V. is welcomed to our email:supervision@rainbowmarine.cn

Other enquires please free to contact the address below:

上  海  远  安  船  务  有  限  公  司
Rainbow Engineering & Trading (shanghai)Co.,Ltd

Add.:Rm.720. No.333 Jingang Rd.Pudong. Shanghai 201206, PR China.
Tel: +86-21-31750783  Fax: +86-21-31750783-810
Mob.: +86-133 9143 3083 (24 hrs)
PIC: Li Hui Xiang

远 安 国 际 船 务 工 程 有 限 公 司
Rainbow Marine Engineering International Co.,Ltd

ADD:Rooms 1318-20,13/F,Hollywood Plaza,610 Nathan Road,Mongkok, Kowloon Hong Kong.
Tel:(00852)27108200      Ext:2798




Add.:Rm.618. No.333 Jingang Rd.Pudong.Shanghai 201206, PR China.
Tel: +86 21 60514484 ; +86 21 31750783  Fax: +86-21-31750783-810
Email:info@rainbowmarine.cn 沪ICP备09040245号